Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen (Scialabba) is the Assistant Director of Operations and Producer at Doctorpodcasting where she helps marketing departments in healthcare organizations grow their podcast library and assist their needs on a daily basis. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, eating pizza, and soaking up Chicago's summer weather.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014 15:22

Dangers of Going Gluten-Free

Dangers of Going Gluten-Free
Most gluten-free foods lack essential vitamins and minerals and have large quantities of unhealthy additives.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014 15:11

Juicing: Save Money by Doing It at Home

Juicing: Save Money by Doing It at Home
If you're buying juice every day, it may have burned a hole in your wallet.
Cancer Free: An Essential & Non-Toxic Way to Heal
Many cancer treatments cause physical and mental side effects that can slow the healing process.
Pregnant & Tired of Waiting? Risks of Early Elective Delivery
40 weeks may seem like a long time to be pregnant, but do you know the health risks associated with an early elective delivery?
A Degenerative Illness: Understanding Parkinson’s Disease
Roughly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease annually. Do you know the early symptoms?
Adult Kidney Transplants: How Long Do You Have to Wait?
There are many who need a kidney transplant, but there are simply not enough donors.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Shrinking Your Prostate without Surgery?
Prostate artery embolization is a new minimally invasive procedure designed to help men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
Friday, 15 August 2014 11:45

News of the Week: Suicide & Depression

News of the Week: Suicide & Depression
The recent tragic suicide of Robin Williams highlights the national problem of depression and suicide.
Friday, 15 August 2014 11:33

Hidden Dangers of Powder Caffeine

Hidden Dangers of Powder Caffeine
Did you know that one teaspoon of powdered caffeine is equivalent to 30 cups of coffee?
Malnourished in the ER: Why Are Seniors Not Eating?
According to a recent study, many older adults who visit the ER are either malnourished or at risk for malnutrition.