Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen (Scialabba) is the Assistant Director of Operations and Producer at Doctorpodcasting where she helps marketing departments in healthcare organizations grow their podcast library and assist their needs on a daily basis. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, eating pizza, and soaking up Chicago's summer weather.
Monday, 09 February 2015 11:22

OWNing Your Diabetes

OWNing Your Diabetes
How can you O-W-N your diabetes in three simple steps?
A Woman’s Guide to Diabetes: It Affects You Differently than Men
What are some challenging issues that women who have been diagnosed with diabetes face at different stages in their lives?
Protecting Against Cancer: 10 Mechanisms Restored by Curcumin
According to the American Cancer Society, there is growing evidence that curcumin can help prevent and treat cancer.
Monday, 16 February 2015 13:00

5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Love Life

5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Love Life
When was the last time you tried something new with your partner?
Ask Dr. Mike: Reviewing Plastic Labels & Should You Put Your Phone in Your Bra?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Ask Dr. Mike: Measles in Adults, Conflicting Research Studies & More
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Friday, 06 February 2015 11:22

Factors Contributing to Cognitive Decline

Factors Contributing to Cognitive Decline
Did you know cognitive decline is highest in developed countries?
Friday, 06 February 2015 11:11

Brain Tumors Respond to Melatonin

Brain Tumors Respond to Melatonin
According to the American Brain Tumor Association, nearly 70,000 new cases of primary brain tumors will be diagnosed this year.
Sugary Soda Intake & Cellular Aging: You're Damaging Your Cells
Researchers found that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas increased cellular aging of your tissues.
Overcome Body Image Issues & Boost Your Confidence
A startling eight out of 10 women are not happy with the way they look.