
Pawpaw: The Next Generation Cancer Therapy?
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Asimina tribola, also known as Pawpaw, may be the next generation alternative cancer therapy.
The Christopher Columbus Approach to Treating Cancer
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Special guest, Lorene Benoit, presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding, preventing and working with cancer.
Helping Children Cope with Cancer
Featured Speaker: Lu Sipos
Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program™ is a unique educational program that supports kids and families living with cancer.
Can a Diabetes Drug Help Prevent Cancer & Improve Survival?
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Diabetics prescribed the drug metformin have a significantly lower incidence of all cancers compared to the general population.
Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?
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Probiotics can help your tummy feel better, but can they slim your stomach too? A new study suggests they might.
Foods Never to Feed Your Pets
Featured Speaker: Dr. Jeff Werber
Just because it's yummy to you, doesn't mean it's good for your pet.
Race & Vitamin D3 Deficiency: Are You At Risk?
Featured Speaker: Richard Walker, MD
Low vitamin D plays a role in all age-related diseases, specifically those afflicting African Americans.
Does Race Play a Role in Your Health?
Featured Speaker: Richard Walker, MD
Did you know African Americans are more likely to develop more illnesses and diseases than any other race?
Are You Taking the Wrong Supplements?
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Trying to find the right supplements can be overwhelming and frustrating. How can you identify the best ones for YOU?
The Trinity of Nutrients for Lowering Blood Sugar
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When used in combination, sorghum bran, white mulberry and phloridzin can significantly and safely lower blood sugar.