
A Big Fat Story
Featured Speaker: Aimée Shunney, ND
The low-fat diet craze has given "fat" a bad rap. However, there are healthy sources of saturated fats that you should consider adding into your diet.
Protect Yourself from Environmental Cancer Risks
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Shampoos, pesticides, drinking water, plastics, and vehicle emissions all contain cancer-causing toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.
Diet Soda Drinkers: Is Your Habit a Health Risk?
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Diet drinks are linked to a 30 percent increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Your Thyroid & Adrenal Glands: What's the Connection?
Featured Speaker: Holly Lucille, ND, RN
Your thyroid and adrenals are like Jack and Jill -- so tightly bound together -- it's not effective to address one without the other.
Future Regulations of the Supplement Industry
Featured Speaker: Daniel Fabricant, PhD
What does the FDA have in store for the supplement industry?
FDA’s Role in Regulating Supplements
Featured Speaker: Daniel Fabricant, PhD
Dispelling the myths and stating the facts about how the FDA regulates supplements.
Harmful Ingredients in Your Favorite Skin Cream
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Soap-based emulsifiers increase skin pH levels and can cause serious damage.
Can Curry Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
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More than just a spice, compounds in curry provide protection against Alzheimer's disease.
How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Scale
Featured Speaker: Linda Spangle, RN
Try to remember, the scale is NOT your enemy.
Apple Cider Vinegar's Anti-Sugar Effects
Featured Speaker: Patricia Bragg, ND, PhD
One of the oldest known medicines, apple cider vinegar, is an all-natural diabetes treatment.