
3 Healthy Eating Habits for Kids
Featured Speaker: Dina Rose, PhD
A lifetime of healthy eating starts with three simple habits while your children are still young.
Could Cinnamon Stop Parkinson’s In Its Tracks?
Featured Speaker:
Could a new treatment for Parkinson's disease be something as simple as cinnamon?
Ask Dr. Mike: Multivitamins, Organic Food, Ebola & Supplements
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Find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions, posed by YOU!
Tips for Managing Lupus
Featured Speaker: Marisa Zeppieri-Caruana, Author
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease with a long list of unpleasant symptoms.
5 Strategies for Preventing & Overcoming Migraines
Featured Speaker: Todd Nelson, ND
If you suffer from migraines, you may find relief with this five-step therapeutic approach.
Are Your Food Choices Making You Miserable?
Featured Speaker: Aimée Shunney, ND
Nutrition and diet play important roles in maintaining a healthy, balanced mood.
Can Probiotics Lower Blood Pressure?
Featured Speaker:
New research suggests probiotics may help to lower blood pressure.
Have Health Questions? Ask Dr. Mike
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Dr. Mike answers your personal health and wellness questions.
Can Hypnosis Help You Sleep Better?
Featured Speaker: Robert S. Rosenberg, DO, FCCP
Hypnosis has been used to relieve anxiety and gain control over undesired behaviors. But can it help you sleep?
Kids & IBS: The Gut Solution
Featured Speaker: Michael Lawson, MD and Jessica Del Pozo, PhD
Help your child cope with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) through stress management, education, exercise, diet and sleep.