
Suffering from Chronic Fatigue? Try this Dietary Approach
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Even though there's no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), you might be able to ease your symptoms with food.
Integrative Therapies for Skin Cancer
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According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined.
Environment vs. Genes: Which Is Worse for Your Immune System?
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A recent study published in Scope details whether the environment or your genes play a bigger role on your immune system.
Does Stress Affect Your Fertility?
Featured Speaker: Jamie Grifo, MD, PhD
Cortisol can inhibit your sex hormones, suppress your ovulation and seriously affect sexual activity.
Is Your Diet Ruining Your Ability to Conceive?
Featured Speaker: Jamie Grifo, MD, PhD
You may not realize that the food you put in your mouth can affect your ability to conceive.
Is Genetic Testing All Hype?
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If you were to get a genetic test, what are its limitations?
Ask Dr. Mike: Supplements for Treating Cancer & Functional Food Source Benefits
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Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Ask Dr. Mike: Protandim Product Information & How Important Is Sleep for Your Workout?
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Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Therapeutic Plants for Healthy Breasts
Featured Speaker: Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Are there specific nutrients in plants that can prevent breast cancer?
Healing Breast Cancer Naturally
Featured Speaker: Véronique Desaulniers, DC
If a woman has breast cancer and wants to heal her body with less toxic methods, what are some of her choices?