Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen (Scialabba) is the Assistant Director of Operations and Producer at Doctorpodcasting where she helps marketing departments in healthcare organizations grow their podcast library and assist their needs on a daily basis. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, eating pizza, and soaking up Chicago's summer weather.
Weight Loss Surgery: Are You at Risk for Suicide?
What are your chances of increased suicide behavior after weight-reduction surgery?
Ask HER: Helping a Loved One with Anorexia, Counting Calories & Why Do Your Fingers Turn White in Cold Weather?
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
5 Common Period Myths that are Completely False
Everything you previously thought about your period might not be true.
Thursday, 03 December 2015 14:22

How to Keep Your Relationship Growing

How to Keep Your Relationship Growing
What are the seven tips for a long, healthy relationship?
When Should Women Initiate Hormone Replacement Therapy?
How can you tell if your hormones are imbalanced?
Rejuvenating Women’s Sex Lives with the O-Shot
How does the o-shot differ from other libido-boosting products?
Improving Treatment & Global Access to Fight HIV
HIV is the world's leading infectious killer, affecting more than 35 million people. Yet, less than half actually know that they are infected.
Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:18

Surviving Holiday Feasts

Surviving Holiday Feasts
How can you stay healthy and fit over the holidays?
Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:06

How to Get the Right Death

How to Get the Right Death
Why is death such a messy business?
Wednesday, 02 December 2015 12:46

Why You Need to Eat More Fat

Why You Need to Eat More Fat
Are you still afraid to eat saturated fats?