Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen (Scialabba) is the Assistant Director of Operations and Producer at Doctorpodcasting where she helps marketing departments in healthcare organizations grow their podcast library and assist their needs on a daily basis. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, eating pizza, and soaking up Chicago's summer weather.
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 12:06

Helping Children with Homework

Helping Children with Homework
What are some healthy homework habits you can teach your children?
Ask Dr. Mike: Alternative vs. Traditional Vitamins PLUS Can I Skip a Day of My Supplements?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Ask Dr. Mike: Fighting Colon Cancer & Reducing Tumor Burden
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 11:22

A Diet for Your Mind

A Diet for Your Mind
What are the top vegetables to eat in order to boost your mind and overall health?
Is Parkinson's the Symptom of Intestinal Disease?
More research is showing a strong connection between your gut and your brain.
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 11:00

Beautiful Hair, Skin & Nails from Within

Beautiful Hair, Skin & Nails from Within
How can you repair dry hair and brittle nails?
Tuesday, 08 December 2015 12:46

9 Healthy Holiday Gifts

9 Healthy Holiday Gifts
Instead of chocolates and treats, you might want to consider picking up one of these healthier options.
Are You Contaminating Yourself with These Popular Everyday Products?
Are there specific products you should be avoiding?
Tuesday, 08 December 2015 12:18

Handling Holiday Stress with Exercise

Handling Holiday Stress with Exercise
What can you do to stay on track during the holidays?
Don't Let the Holidays Sabotage Your Health & Fitness
During the holidays, it can be hard to find a balance between enjoying yourself and sticking to your health and fitness goals.