Selected Podcast

The Toxic Pathways of Cancer

Cancer occurs when you have abnormal cells that grow out of control in your body.

Generally the term cancer is used for over 100 diseases that can occur from the abnormal cell growth in your body.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people in the U.S. get cancer each year. There could be many contributing factors as to why someone gets cancer, such as family history and lifestyle habits.

However, did you know there can be a way to prevent cancer from developing?

Raymond Francis, MSc joins Dr. Mike to discuss the toxic pathways of cancer and how you might be able to prevent it.
Featured Speaker:
Raymond FrancisRaymond Francis was at the height of an international consulting career when his health began declining rapidly. What began as chemical sensitivities and allergic reactions to almost everything ended up as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjogren's syndrome, digestive problems, skin rashes, headaches, brain fog, dizziness, and ultimately liver failure.

At age 48, his imminent death was considered a medical certainty. "There is nothing more we can do for you," his doctors said.

Believing that the medical interventions had only made things worse, Raymond decided it was up to him to bring himself back to health. A chemist by training and a graduate of M.I.T., he began taking large doses of vitamin C, which revived him enough to conduct extensive research and direct his own care.

It took him two years to fully restore his health. During this period he developed his revolutionary Beyond Health Model, a theory of health and disease that is so simple it can be taught to a child, yet is so powerful that many have cured themselves of terminal cancer relying on its truths.

Now 78, Raymond enjoys an extraordinary level of health. In the 28 years since his recovery, he has not taken any medications or had any surgeries, and he has not been sick except for three minor colds.

He is on a mission to reach as many people as possible with the message that you don't have to get sick, that "health is a choice." He has written five books, Never Be Sick Again, Never Be Fat Again, Never Fear Cancer Again, Never Feel Old Again and his newest book The Great American Health Hoax. Raymond has addressed health conferences all over the U.S. and in eight other countries and has made over 2,000 television and radio appearances.

He is president of Beyond Health International, a supplier of health-supporting products and advanced health education.

RadioMD Presents:Healthy Talk | Original Air Date: April 29, 2015
Host: Michael Smith, MD

Healthy talk with Dr. Michael Smith MD and now, here's the country doctor with a city education, Dr. Mike.

DR MIKE: So, let's talk about the toxic pathway of cancer, and if we understand this toxic pathway, how that might help us to prevent and even reverse cancer. My guest is Raymond Francis. He's an MIT-trained scientist, and has been cited as one of the few scientists who has achieved a breakthrough understanding of health and disease. He's the author of four cutting-edge books on health, and his latest book is titled Never Fear Cancer Again.

Raymond, welcome to Healthy Talk.

RAYMOND: Well, thank you very much. Good to be here.

DR MIKE: So, I'm going to start with something here. I got your book and I'm going to open up to the very first page—the introduction—page one. I'm going to read something, ok? Right from the book, because I think it's interesting, and I want to hear really what your take is on this, okay, Raymond?


DR MIKE: It says here:

"We already know how to prevent and reverse cancer. This knowledge exists; all you have to do is learn it and apply it."

Now listen, that's a bold statement to write at the very, in the very first page of your book. Do you really believe that we have all the information we need to prevent and reverse cancer?

RAYMOND: Yes we do. Now cancer is a very complex disease, but, basically, we know what it is, we know why it happens, we know the chemistry. And knowing that puts you in the position to be able to prevent cancer from happening. And if it does happen, puts you in the position to be able to reverse what has happened. Now you might not be able to be successful a hundred percent of the time. Perhaps nothing is a hundred percent, but you can certainly be successful ninety percent of the time.

So, that's what it is. We can teach people to prevent cancer. We can teach people how to cure cancer. And indeed, people have read this book all over the world, and I was just up in Canada in few months back, and a man came up to me, after my talk, and he said "Thank you, thank you. God bless you." He said, "I had terminal melanoma. I had twenty-six rapidly growing lesions. The doctors told me there was nothing that could be done. I read your book. I cured the cancer. I'm in perfect health. Thank you, thank you. God Bless you."

DR MIKE: Nice. Awesome. Yes. So, here's the thing though, if we have the, the knowledge, and we, and we know...Granted, cancer's a very complex disease, but, ultimately, we know what's going within that cancer cell.

RAYMOND: Yes, we do.

DR MIKE: If, if we understand something like the toxic pathway, right? And that's something that you talk about in your book. One of the pathways is the toxic pathway of cancer. If we understand that, what you're saying, we can do things to reduce that toxic load, protect the cells, and that's going to help prevent, an even some cases, treat the cancer, right?

RAYMOND: Yeah. Absolutely.

DR MIKE: By the way, you're a cancer survivor, correct?

RAYMOND: No. I'm not a cancer survivor. I, I almost died of liver failure. I had chemical liver hepatitis.

DR MIKE: Oh, okay.

RAYMOND: I rebuilt my liver. Which is another thing. You see, you can rebuild your body, because your body is a self-repairing system. So, if you know how to do it, you can rebuild it. I've rebuilt my arteries. I'm seventy-eight years old. I have the arteries of a twenty-two year old; and I'm shooting for having the arteries of a teenager within the next few years. So, that's what you can do, if you know how to do it. But the cancer...

DRMIKE: Let's talk about the, toxic pathway then. What do you mean by that?

RAYMOND: What I've done is broken health down into simple things that people can understand. And one of them is the toxin pathway. Toxins affect our cell chemistry and affect our genes. And so, we need to learn how to prevent this from happening. We need to learn how to avoid toxins.

So, you need to know where they are and how to avoid them. Well the bad news is, the average American is a toxic waste site. In fact, I have a friend of mine who is toxicologist who says s that "If we were cannibals, we could not sell h an meat on the market. Because it's so contaminated, the FDA wouldn't allow it on the market. So [laughs] that's how bad it is.

DR MIKE: Wow. Yeah.

RAYMOND: Yeah. So, reduce your daily exposure. So, the bad news is we're contaminated—the good news is about eighty percent of that exposure is under our control. So, if we just learn how to exercise that control, you can reduce your toxic load by about eighty percent and that is very significant.

DR MIKE: Ok. So what, what are some of the things, so what are some of the things that we could do every day, you know, to, reduce that toxic burden?

RAYMOND: Well, simple things. For example, like toothpaste. Toothpaste is a deadly poison. But there are brands on the market that are very safe. So, buy a safe brand instead of a toxic brand. That simple. Buy organic food. That's simple. Don't put wall-to-wall carpet in the living room. That's simple. So you can learn to do simple things that will have a big impact in the long run. So, reduce your daily exposure.

DR MIKE: Now you mention specifically toothpaste and carpet and, this reminds me of a really good book out there, and I forget the name of it, Raymond. I think it's something...It was written about ten years ago. My House is Sick, or something like that, and they mention the carpet issues. So, what do you...So, what's in toothpaste? What is it about carpet that can be so dangerous?

RAYMOND: Well, carpet has hundreds of chemicals in it, and they all outgas. And we've done animal experiments with carpets. You can take a piece of new carpet, put it in a chamber with mice, and, come back the next morning; the mice will all be dead. There. We've actually taken carpet that's twelve years old and put mice in the chamber, and it caused neurological damage and they've done experiments with people, families that have had new carpet installed, and the disease rate in the family goes up precipitously—everything from the common cold, to flu, to all kinds of cancer. Whatever. After you have new carpet installed, the diseases go up. And cognitive problems, and emotional problems, all kinds of things.

DR MIKE: So, what? So we'd just be using wood floors? Or is there safer carpet?

RAYMOND: Well, you can use wool. What I have is I have wood floors. And I have very nice wool carpet, area carpets, area rugs that you put on top of the wood floor. But, you can have tile, you can have wood, but don't have the wall-to-wall made out of synthetic fibers. Don't bring in that many synthetic fibers. I mean, look at how many pounds that weighs, and this is all outgassing chemicals. And so you're, you're outgassing a tremendous number of chemicals, and it continues for years.

DR MIKE: Well, I guess the issue though, unfortunately, Raymond, a lot of people are in a situation where they can't do anything about that, right? You know, there are a lot of people who rent homes, rent apartments.


DR MIKE: So, if they can't do much about the carpet, is there a way, to...Do we clean the carpet?

RAYMOND: Sure. Air filters. Have air filters. Have an air filter in that room to help absorb the toxic fumes coming off of the carpet.

DR MIKE: What's in the toothpaste?

RAYMND: Oh, my Lord. Artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial, detergents. And all of these go through the mucus membranes, into the bloodstream, and poison you. And then the artificial, detergents, for example, bio accumulate in fatty tissue, such as the eye. And then, a few years down the road you get macular degeneration, and you say, "Oh, my gosh! I've got a problem with my eye." But you don't say, "Why did I brush my teeth with that brand of toothpaste?" So, yes. It bio accumulates in the fatty tissues and poisons them.

DR MIKE: With only about a minute left here Raymond, so, what exactly is the toxin doing to the cell that causes it to become cancerous?

RAYMOND: Well, there are a number of things. One, the toxin can give false signals to genes. And there are genes that are very protective against cancer, and there are genes that are not protective—that are pro-cancer. If you give false signals to the genes, you can shut down the cancer protective genes and then there are other problems. Cancer is an oxygen deficiency disease. It's a deficiency of oxygen metabolism, and toxins can shut down that machinery.

DR MIKE: I'll tell you what, Raymond—let's, let's leave that there for a sec. We're going to have to take a break. The book is Never Fear Cancer Again. The author is Raymond Francis.

This Healthy Talk on RadioMD. I'm Dr. Mike. Stay well.