Reignite & Rebuild Your Metabolism

While there are many diets that claim to help people lose 15 pounds in 15 days, they rarely help dieters keep the pounds off for any length of time.

Now, to be sure, becoming a fat-burning machine doesn't happen overnight. But it CAN happen relatively quickly if you restore youthful metabolism.

With the Colorado Diet and the focus on a "Mile-High Metabolism," residents from every state in the nation can achieve weight-loss success and develop habits that keep the weight off for good.

Join Dr. Mike and special guest, Dr. Holly Wyatt, as they discuss this mindset and way of living.
Reignite & Rebuild Your Metabolism
Featured Speaker:
HollyWyattHolly Wyatt, M.D., is associate director of the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado and is an associate professor in the department of medicine.

She directs the Colorado Diet Clinic at the Anschutz Center. She lives in Denver.