Gary’s Story: Cancer and Oncology Rehab

Actor Gary Moore had some surprising symptoms appear, prompting him to seek medical advice. He was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer.

Listen as Gary shares his story of diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Gary’s Story: Cancer and Oncology Rehab
Featured Speaker:
Gary Moore
Gary Moore is a professional actor who has been in a handful of movies and TV shows. In April 2017, Gary ended up in the emergency room because he was coughing up blood. He learned soon after that he had a rare aggressive cancer. After surgery to remove the tumor and chemotherapy treatment at GHS Cancer Institute–Eastside, Gary was declared cancer-free in September. Since then, he has been slowly regaining his strength and endurance through the Cancer Institute’s oncology rehab (or “Moving On”) exercise navigation program. He had been experiencing significant joint pain, but it has now gone away. He also speaks very highly of the nurses who participated in his treatment/chemo at GHS Cancer Institute.